Conceived and Performed by Greg Romero
Directed by Ken Kaissar
Created and Inspired by:
Alexandra Bassett, Ilana Brownstein, Hugh Craig, GerRee Hinshaw, Kate Houlihan, Deven MacNair, Nancy Mouton and Chester Forest, Dustin Puryear, Greg Romero, Sean Schneyer, Hank Schwemmer, Don Slater, Heidi Taylor, Angela Turner, and Jeff Williams
Additional Gifts by:
Jodi Alonzo; The Burn Ward Theater Company; Deena Gerson; Wanda, Doyle, and Kristi Reeves; and Pat and Johnie Romero
WHEN: Monday, March 22nd, 2010; 7:33 PM
WHERE: The Rotunda
4014 Walnut St
Philadelphia PA
ADMISSION: Bring a gift!
Last year I asked every person I knew to give me three dollars. I was trying to create a "patron collective" in an effort to give myself continued time to work on a number of artistic projects.
I have been incredibly moved by the response.
As a return gift, everyone who offered their generosity has their name archived inside the creative works I created last fall. For all time.
The full list of Awesome People is found here:
And for people who were especially generous, I promised I would create and perform something, anything, just for them.
And that's what THIRTY-THREE is (it's also how old I am).
It is a gift-exchange, a theatrical promise kept, a dare, a rite of passage, a live performance inspired and created by friends originating from a place of generosity and challenge and a sense of fun.
And it will be performed by me, even though I haven't performed much at all in the past ten years.
At THIRTY-THREE you will see: a wrestler, a thanksgiving dinner, an affair with a turkey, Hideki Matsui, Mou Shou Pork, birth, death, dreams, pear trees, Moonpies, phone calls with love on the other end, a multi-gender prostitute, a ghost, a peacock, an alien, and my mom.
You will see some of the most personal writing I've done since The Most Beautiful Lullaby You've Ever Heard.
And this all scares me to death (in a good way).
I look forward to sharing this experience with you, and ask that you bring the gift of your attendance, as well as a gift for me, Ken, or The Rotunda.
We promise to give you many gifts in return.
Big thank yous to all the gift-givers, to Gina Renzi and The Rotunda, and to Ken Kaissar for his direction.
Greg Romero
p.s. if you plan to attend, you can RSVP here.