My creative work is made possible by the support and awesomeness of the following Awesome People (who rule):
(to become an awesome person, go here)
Jodi Alonzo
Alexandra Bassett
Chuck Bradford/Dr. Brad Chuckly
Ilana Brownstein
The Burn Ward Theater Company
Gregory Scott Campbell
Molly Casey
Central Dollars Gang and Sxxxy Chocolate (Jodi Alonzo, Jeff Carpenter, Erena Messina, and Bryan Nelson)
Bella Bear Coyne
David Coyne
Hugh Craig
Betsy Currie
Rob Cutler
John D'Alonzo
Kimberly Dilts
Rebecca Ennen
Beca Fried
Amparo Garcia-Crow
Deena Gerson
Lucy Gillespie
Jenae Yerger Glanton
Steve Gleich
Megan Gogerty
Lisa Grande
Jennifer Haley
Stacey Hardke
Rand, Barb, Mae Mae, and Precious Harmon
Anna Hebden
GerRee Hinshaw
Kate Houlihan
Cameron Ingram
Richard Jensen
Tim Johnson
Greg Kalleres
Spring Karlo
Danielle Kindt
Richard Kotulski and
Lindsay Krieg
Robby Lambert/Earthquake McGoon
Daniel LeBlanc
Larry Loebell
Deven MacNair/Fire!
Eve Harrington Scholarship Winner Taylor Maddux
Jennifer Maisel
Eddie Manes
Jamie Marchi
Elizabeth McDonnell (to raise money to fight breast cancer, go here)
Brad McEntire
Jennifer Meisinger
Andrew J. Merkel
Christiana Molldrem
Christi Moore
Dawson Moore
Nancy Mouton and Chester Forest
Erica S. Nagel
Patti Neff
Osric Publishing
Jen (the Hen) Patureau
"The Nature Boy" Randy Pease (Woooooo!)
Misty Pelas
Sean Petrie
Sarah Pitre/Powder Blue
Ted Powell
Abby Pudlewski
Dustin Puryear
Joe Rawley
Wanda, Doyle, and Kristi Reeves
Cherie A. Roberts
Francisco Rodriguez
Will Rogers
William Rolleri
Chantel Rome
Pat and Johnie Romero
Genevieve and Aaron Saenz
Eric Sanders
April Feld Sandor
KC Scharnberg
Robert Schenkkan
Sean Kendall Schneyer
Hank Schwemmer
Jeffrey Skinner
Don Slater
Megan Slater
Fraser Snowden
Vanessa L. Sparling
Ms. Such
Jules Tasca
Heidi Taylor
Angela Turner
Mike Vernusky
Lucy Walters
Skipper Chong Warson
Miriam White
Allison Whittinghill
Jeff Williams
Gavin Witt
Rachel Wood
Abe Louise Young
Wally Zialcita
Lauren Zinn