Friday, August 26, 2016

GOODB(EYE) in Houston

From November 9 - 19, 2016, my short play Goodb(eye) will be playing at the Obsidian Theatre in Houston, Texas, as part of Cone Man Running Productions experimental project, The Five Minute Mile Play Festival.

Five Minute Mile selected 32 five-minute plays (out of 389 submissions), with each performance presenting 20 of them.  But they don't know which 20.  In fact, no one will know which 20 plays will be performed on a given night, until the show begins.  Each night, Cone Man will present 8 plays already decided upon, 6 plays will be voted on by the audience when they arrive, and 6 plays will be selected at random. 

It sounds like a totally fun experiment, and I'm very happy to have one of my plays participating in the chance randomness of it all.

Big thank yous to Cone Man Running for selecting this work and for Audacity Theatre Lab for originally commissioning me to write this piece as part of the Eye in the Sky project (and thank you for your voices Lydia Mackay and Jeffrey Schmidt).

Much love,