Friday, August 26, 2016

GOODB(EYE) in Houston

From November 9 - 19, 2016, my short play Goodb(eye) will be playing at the Obsidian Theatre in Houston, Texas, as part of Cone Man Running Productions experimental project, The Five Minute Mile Play Festival.

Five Minute Mile selected 32 five-minute plays (out of 389 submissions), with each performance presenting 20 of them.  But they don't know which 20.  In fact, no one will know which 20 plays will be performed on a given night, until the show begins.  Each night, Cone Man will present 8 plays already decided upon, 6 plays will be voted on by the audience when they arrive, and 6 plays will be selected at random. 

It sounds like a totally fun experiment, and I'm very happy to have one of my plays participating in the chance randomness of it all.

Big thank yous to Cone Man Running for selecting this work and for Audacity Theatre Lab for originally commissioning me to write this piece as part of the Eye in the Sky project (and thank you for your voices Lydia Mackay and Jeffrey Schmidt).

Much love,


Tuesday, August 23, 2016

THE GREAT ONE in Sarasota

On November 19 & 20, 2016, my short play, The Great One, will be presented by The Players Follies as part of their annual Play Reading Festival in Sarasota, Florida.

The play is one of 11 short plays selected for this event, showcasing works that express the theme "The Fabric of Our Lives", a poignant exploration for a theater group made up of members all 50 years of age and older.

This particular work came very early in my own writing development, and is one of my very first plays.  Inspired, like many of my plays, by elephants and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, The Great One was originally presented in Austin, Texas 15 years ago, delivered by Ann Taylor.  The play had another showing, roughly a year later, with Audacity Theatre Lab in Dallas, Texas, performed by Rasa Hollender, directed by Brad McEntire.

I am very happy that this work will step into performance again, and very grateful for the good folks of The Players Follies for bringing it back to life.

You can read the Follies announcement here.

Much love,


Sunday, August 14, 2016

TWO BUBBLES, Eight Years in Print

On August 12, 2016, my ten-minute play, Two Bubbles, achieved its eighth year in print, thanks to the good folks of Playscripts, Inc.

Brendan Ahearn, Tiffany Feng, Brad McEntire, Laurie Farris, Jeff Hernandez, and Shannon Marie in Two Bubbles, Audacity Productions / Rover Dramawerks, Plano, Texas (2002). Photo: Carol Rice.

Originally written in a few hours (from roughly midnight until about 6 am) as part of Rover Dramawerks' and Audacity Theatre's "One (More) Day Only" project in 2002-- a 24-hour new play festival-- it has been in production in Plano and Austin, Texas, and Wilmington, Delaware, with some of my very favorite people (you know who you are, and thank you).

It was my first play to be published, and it makes me very happy to know that, because of this printing, my work is out there, independent of me, engaging with people and places (for example, I know that it sits on one of the shelves of The Drama Book Shop in New York City, as they have been a frequent purchaser of this title).

And while this publication hasn't made me rich (my average annual royalties are less than $ 15) or famous (ironically, there have been no productions, that I know of, since it's publication), its accomplishments are more personal and important than that to me.

The more important numbers to me are that this title has sold over 1,300 copies, and now my own written words live in these 14 countries: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Germany, India, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Serbia and Montenegro, Singapore, Sweden, United Kingdom, and United States.

Big thank yous to all the awesome people that have engaged with and helped create this play, you have born and sustained the life of a work for almost 15 years now.

Much love,


P.S. If you don't already have a copy and would like one, it would be so awesome for you to go HERE.