I feel very lucky to have had this experience, working with a strong, caring group of talented people, almost all of whom I just met (and all of whom I hope to continue working with). It was a great first theatrical experience in Missoula, and I am very thankful to this group of artists for trusting me and gently demanding the most from me. I am very proud of the collective work we all did together, and I think the production was a success in many ways.
Sarah (Robin Rose) and Terry (Greg Romero) in The Trigger Gene; Missoula MT. Photo by Michael Stafford).
Acting in this new play was a really important experience for me personally, forcing me to confront some vulnerabilities I had been able to avoid for some time. Taking a break from acting for so long, I was surprised to discover how hard it was (all the layers and worlds and intentions and sensitivities involved in a single moment), much harder than I remember, making me wonder if, in previous roles, I'd ever fully appreciated all of the detail and possibilities involved in creating a performance.
I am very happy to have put back in touch with these creative muscles I'd let atrophy a little. Now exercised, I am curious to keep using them, open again, for the first time in a while, to an expanded view of possibilities.
Big thank yous to the whole Trigger Gene team-- Diane, Diego, Howard, Nathan, Rita, Robin, Shaun, and everyone else who contributed and participated.