Tuesday, December 14, 2010

BELIZE'S PLACE Rehearsal Photos, Day One

Currently directing BELIZE'S PLACE by Tav Keyinde, I am working with an exceptionally creative and brave ensemble of actors who are blowing this play up.

Belize (Jerry Rudasill) cuts up meat (Jim Jackson) with a cleaver. While a cigar (Jake Blouch) hides in the corner.

In development of the play, and in preparation to share this work with a small audience at The Painted Bride Art Center on Wednesday, December 15th, the actors and I (and dramaturgs Wally Zialcita and Jason Tremblay) are attempting to learn the play by rehearsing it (rather than by reading it).

Our goals include staging as many of the impossible moments of the play we can, to see how the play can move most theatrically through space, and to see what kind of wild creativity the play inspires.

So far we are learning a lot, and I, for one, am having an incredibly fun time witnessing the deeply powerful imagination of this ensemble.

Belize (Jerry Rudasill), Rollergirl (Samantha Tower) and a Cigar (Jake Blouch)

Dubkid (Mary Tuomanen) gets a horrible idea (Jerry Rudasill, Jake Blouch, and Jim Jackson)

To see more of this work, please join us at the Painted Bride Art Center (230 Vine Street; Philadelphia PA) on Wednesday, December 15th at 7:30 pm.

rock on,